By Eric on 2006-10-13
Earlier in the game, there was a disputed call. The bases weren’t loaded, and the other team had a dude on third. A weak hit went towards third base. The runner on third took a step or two inside the line towards the ball which was slowly rolling to third base. He saw the ball coming and got in the way. Whether he did it on purpose or not, it doesn’t matter, he was called out. Since it was 2 outs, the inning was over. Actually, in softball, this becomes a double play. It’s in the rule book which was pulled out. Had the runner ran in a straight line from the bag to home, he would have been fine. He had a clear lane. I was playing catcher and watched this play from a great vantage point. Don’t fuck with me. Because of this, our opponents argued the whole way, until the next issue happened, which led to the first photo above. Below is the umpire explaining what the heck happened, and he’s actually a good umpire. He sounded like Vin Diesel, but he rode a scooter to the field. I hope we see him again. Meanwhile, the other team might get booted (at least that’s what the umpire was saying).