By Eric on 2006-05-24
poketo question:
I agree with the grow as you go mentality… I feel most diy’ers feel this way, its the artists in us. Although, it’s important to feel like you are heading somewhere, but, that somewhere is unknowable, and all of this travelling is a learning experience, as life is. That not knowing is a scary and good at once. There is so much to know, learn from different people because everyone has their own ideas, experience, and expertise. Who have you drawn inspiration from, who inspired you to write your first zine and open that first store? Who or what was the spark!
The spark has to be from yourself. Ultimately, when you have all of the help, people will flake out and you’ll be the one holding the ball. I’m inspired by Cometbus, but a lot of inspiration came from people telling me that I couldn’t do it and seeing our progress at the same time.