Giant Robot Store and GR2 News
With the passing of MCA, Adam Yauch news orgs are looking to write about his life. His wife, Dechen Wangdu, an American born Tibetan activist has been getting a little bit of news. Read a bit about her. (ibtimes – Dechen Wangdu)
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[youtube]LVr4UP9ntLs[/youtube] I’m not a Coldplay fan but this is classy. (corrected, yes, his name his not two words. How fancy.)
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RIP MCA – Adam Yauch. Like the music or not, MCA and his cohorts were pioneers in the music and cultural universe. Fight For Your Right to Party was a hit in modern hip hop’s infancy. I was in high school and while a few people thumped around to Run DMC which was commercializing, The Beastie Boys became the rap group who’s lyrics were being recited by most everyone. Going to Pacific Palisades High School, home of the suburban “white” kids who shared the school with 15 buses of “inner city” kids, The Beastie Boys helped join groups just a tiny bit. Hip hop was black. The Beastie Boys changed that and people and culture changed just a little more from there.
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The Beastie Boys will no longer be the same Beastie Boys. After a fighting cancer, Adam Yauch passes at 47. (Rolling Stone – Adam Yauch)
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