Giant Robot Store and GR2 News

Are airplants in now? Walking through the mission, this arborist type of shop (at least that's what I think it was) used airplants for holiday cheer. I'm not sure if the lights are good for the plant, but they are looking for the warmth of summer and a little bit of humidity. I like the way this whole unit looked actually. Airplants are cool.

Then it was off to White Walls Gallery

Maxwell Smart

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I got this book today. It tells the story of Sawtelle from a few people's points of view. That sounds ominous, but it's certainly not the whole story, since I recall Latinos living in the area as well. Gangs? SOTEL13? But as a Japanese American story, it's fun to check out. As a lot of you might know, I like the Sawtelle area. I enjoy it from way back when, I also enjoy it for the changes that are...
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Anime Expo continues in Long Beach. It's amazing how many anime kids there are around. Wearing their cosplay outfits, they dot the entire Long Beach area.

They do the Cosplay thing to no end. The convention hall is still a big barren, I expected more, and maybe even carpet on the ground. That part of the show feels like it's a bit underwhelming. I also noticed that a lot of kids weren't even into...
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Is this considered a tag? No, it's graffiti. Sotel are still around and here's a big example of that. The names are still great. Bones, Slugger, and Pelon. Ironically, a childhood friend was called Pelon, since he always had a shaved head. He wasn't really in Sotel, but had friends who were, and they'd call him that.

When do they do this? Middle of the night? During the day? How old are they? 15,...
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I needed air in my bicycle tires, so I thought I'd stop by George's Hardware which is next door to gr/eats. I rode into the back mechanics shop, and was amazed. Look at this place. It's filled with parts, broken edgers, mowers, grease, working mechanics, tools, and a floor that's gritty.

There's four dudes working most of the time, they're mostly Latino except for Jake, who's on our softball team.

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