Giant Robot Store and GR2 News
i'm no expert in code, but recently Blogger changed the code when you post a photo. It's something I tried to scan on the internet, and found very little info. Maybe it doesn't affect anything, but in the end, it may affect some of you out there.
It looks like this. Why the heck did they decide to add this line of code in the last one week?
width: 306px; height: 400px;
Basically, it was fine without...
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It looks like this. Why the heck did they decide to add this line of code in the last one week?
width: 306px; height: 400px;
Basically, it was fine without...

I'm not exactly sure how this all happened, but I guess sometimes, things happen. I get an email from some folks, and they seem really nice, and I met up with them. It has nothing to do with 7-Under or Kiks, but it's all from friends of friends of friends, or maybe it's friends and acquaintances. But the world works in odd ways, we all know that, and some how I hooked up with these fine fellas. I...

If you join my twitter, I usually post when I'm going on.

So you might have noticed that little clock thing on the right side of the blog. It's a clock in 24 hour time, and it's set to PST. The video is neat, at different times of the day it does different things. Last night, it had some girl sleeping. Of course, it has some advertising type of connotations and it'll be up for a bit, until either I get tired of it, or you get tired of it, but for now,...

I looked at this and thought... hmm. Interesting viewpoint. I didn't feel anything odd about it. It just felt like a normal occurence. So here goes some explanations for maybe anyone who cares. In case you don't know. Hypebeastis one of the premier...