Giant Robot Store and GR2 News
Summer is approaching and Super Cool Bras filled with ice will keep them cool. It does save on an AC bill, and what the heck, maybe you can also wear this on your head. It worked in the movie, Weird Science. Yes, Robert Downey Jr wore one too.
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Bust Size? Bra That Makes Big Breasts Look Small sells units and according to “survey” 10% of 21-40 year old Japanese women want slimmer breasts. Sales are strong according to the company, Wacoal who reports 86,000 units sold. The commercial is funny, with their before and after photos. Other than this piece of news, that’s all there is to see here and it’s less than meets the eye. It’s reduced but at the same time, the recidivism of the breast curious gazers may stay the same. (Rocket News – Bust Reducer)
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