Giant Robot Store and GR2 News
Shintaro Ohata graces the cover of Giant Robot 65. The interview was conducted at Yukari Art who’s putting on another exhibition of his work. His paintings are comprised of great paint strokes, and he depicts Tokyo just as I’ve seen it and felt it many times. He actually captures one of the exact reasons why I love being there. I haven’t tried to spell it out, but his works might be one of the best explanations. I’d like to chill out on a rail overlooking the town with my cat. He mostly depicts females, so I guess I’ll never be a subject of his work. You probably thought this was a painting, but it’s actually a sculpture in front of a painting. ’2′ mixed media H91xW116.7xD35cm Ohata has multiple styles, from the sculptural painting, to the piece above which has elements of reality. He captures the best parts of the day in every painting. What is she feeling and thinking exactly? I can guess. I feel this too. Can you? (Tomorrow – acrylic on canvas 91×116.7cm) Then he has this style, which includes a slightly cartoonish character. The sunspots make this cool. (‘Stopover’acrylic on canvas 80.5×116.5cm) That’s myself and Shintaro Ohata.
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