Giant Robot Store and GR2 News

Japanese dolls returned after “safekeeping” while the owner was in a WWII Internment Camp. Aside from the greatness of getting the heirloom dolls back, it’s amazing to see the greatness of these dolls. The details are amazing. The story is about the reuniting of two childhood friends after 70 years and it’s a nice read. (Sacbee – Friends) Photos by Paul Kitagaki Jr.
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Chang Deqing dolls. We’re not sure why this one gets singled out by this paper in a world filled with dolls and figures, but it’s getting traction among fashionistas. Perhaps it’s his use of fabrics and being from a place that’s lesser known for figures and toys – China. He’s sort of a new Michael Lau in a way, blending urban wear and a design that’s also reflective of urban themes (regardless of their bad fashion). For you toy fans… Edition of 20! (China Daily – Chang Deqing)
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The photo above posted on the Asiaone site, it’s a bit eerie isn’t it?  Tsunami survivors receive lookalike dolls of their dead children. It’s the next step from a Jizo stone Buddha. It helps them mourn, yet it’s a bit strange. A quote says, “It was like my daughter came back to me,” Mika Sato told the Yomiuri Shinbun, Japan’s biggest selling daily. Wow. That’s scary. (Telegraph UK – lookalike dolls)  
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