Giant Robot Store and GR2 News

It’s been reported by Chinese media that veggie might be grown on the moon? Probably not literally, but growing veggies in space as an experiment may happen. But hasn’t it happened already? We’re waiting to have a new dish called “Celestial Bok Choy” or how about “medical Marijuana?” It’s not a vegetable, but an “herb”. How much could that be sold for? That’s not the point, or is it? (Xinhuanet – China moon veggies)
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Wing Lam profile in the LA Times. From surfing to 80 million dollars a year. This man is wealthy and eating well. For a low price, you can get tasty fish tacos that are grilled. Black beans as pictured? No way, get the spicy beans only which is pictured at bottom! It’s a hefty meal for under $7. Casual and easy, the place is always decent. Congrats to Wing Lam and his partners. In addition to the article, this man has supported Asian American film festivals, events, and more. (LA Times – Wing Lam)
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We’ve reported more than once that when you see Wagyu or Kobe beef on a menu, it’s not real. It’s a fugazi. You’re eating nice meat, but it’s not Wagyu or Kobe but this is going to confuse things. The real meat will be imported soon, but it’s going to cost. So far, only two restaurant in San Francisco will get the meat. “The overall production is small due to the restricted number of farmers and slaughterhouses designated to handle the cows. Only around 3,000 cows are sent to market each year, which translates to about 700-800 tons.” (WSJ – Kobe beef)
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