Giant Robot Store and GR2 News
Care to see Kim Jong Il’s body embalmed? It’s happening soon and you can see him as soon as in January. He’ll be placed next to his father, Kim Il Sung. (Stripes – Kim Jong Il)
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There’s been a lot written and it’s all common knowledge by now. His look is of his grandfather, Kim Il Sung, the real creator of the North Korean “kingdom”. The most interesting part. 6 plastic surgeries? We’ll never truly know about this, and maybe he just gained weight. From ABC: “A North Korean defector, Kim Hae-Sook, 50, testified to the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) in London earlier this year that she heard from a high-level official in North Korea that Kim Jung Un underwent six plastic surgeries to look like his grandfather with chubby cheeks and a double chin. Fujimoto had also told Japanese reporters that he did not recognize Kim at first when North Korea published the first picture in 2010, as he looked so different from his teenage years.” (ABC – Kim Jung Un)
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