Giant Robot Store and GR2 News

Avocado tree. In my backyard is a big ass avocado tree. The shade from it darkens the entire yard, and the branches reach out to two different neighbor’s lots. A month ago, my dad came over to clean up the years of leaves that accumulated on the roof from the tree, and from the leaves popped out 6 young possums. Where was the mom or dad? They’re nocturnal, and neither parent was around. We put the six on the ground, some got thrown down along with the leaves, but landed safe in the big cushioned pile, and they slowly scurried off into the bushes. I hope their parents found them and they’re doing fine. Meanwhile, the avocado tree is producing in big ways. In a few minutes, I can pick 10, and these taste great once they soften up. gr/eats has been using my homegrowns, and they can never disappoint. Anyone out there know about avocados? It seems like my tree produces once every two years. Is that normal?
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I’m going to the farmer’s market in Santa Monica now that I have my dad’s old Astrovan to drive around. Here’s what I picked up. Strawberries, straight out of SoCal. They’re good. The tomatoes are Japanese Momotaro, you can tell by their pale red color. I can see these a mile away. They smell great through the bag. Cucumbers. Japanese kind. They’re shorter and narrow. These make great pickles and taste fine as is with a bit of salt or dressing. And a few good organic apples from the Korean farmers.
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Wayne Lo. I wrote about this mass murderer after visiting him in his prison. After the visit, I think our letters (email for me) starting turning for the worse. Shit talk like you wouldn’t believe including every possible prison joke, to pimp and ho relationships, and other sick shit. Wayne of course says it’s all me, and I of course say it’s all him. But in the end, we’re both talking mad sick shit to each other. Then I stopped, what the fuck am I doing wasting time writing crap back and forth? I suppose it’s easy for me since I’m just writing a quick email. It can take all of 1 minute, but Wayne is scrawling pages and pages of shit. Sometimes a five page letter will show up with no redeeming sentences in it. But life goes on and now he’s found a new hobby! I’m always telling folks that they should work on their art, and I told Wayne the same thing. Now, a few months later, he’s already selling it here. Maybe he’ll set up an art show in his prison. His work is all about his one time prison band Skid Lo. Right now it’s band logos and t-shirt designs. Musically, Wayne is trapped in the late 80s and early 90s, and he’s a huge Sebastian Bach fan, hence the name. After one rockin’ show, the band broke up. Wayne told me that the band’s guitar player was caught (red handed?) in his cell “doing it” with another prisoner a week later. Rock stars…
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Tara DonovanUntitled (Plastic Cups) 2006PaceWildenstein Gallery in Chelsea NY545 W. 22nd Street, New York, N.Y. 10011 Tara Donovan makes environments from everyday items. In this show it’s plastic cups, tons of them, and the room turns into a landscape. The work seems simple, but when you find out that she’s done a large body of work with this concept, it’ll amaze. Walking around the borders, I had the typical stupid questions, how many cups, how long did it take, so on and on. Only the stupid stuff that everyone else was probably thinking.
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The great Saelee Oh‘s show at GRNY won’t disappoint. Photos will be up soon in the transmissions and also the gallery section. Saelee combine fine painting skill, characters, cut outs, and a light touch that make her work crafts tight and charming. I haven’t figured out which one I’m getting yet! The opening yesterday was pelted by rain! A storm came into NY and showered the town, nonetheless some nice guests, and the idea that no low shelves will be made in the gallery section. Construction in GRNY2 starts next week, and now, a small change of plans for the better. Harvard GSD Quote of the minute (not by us). We met a cool dude named Landon who reads GR, I think religiously. When we asked, what should we do in Boston? He excitedly replied, “Come to my house!” We were thinking, “huh?” He’s fine, no worries.
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