Giant Robot Store and GR2 News
Justice Minister, Keishu Tanaka and his yakuza ties has led to his demise. It’s not the first time a politician has an underworld connection. In fact political parties get the endorsements of crime groups. The best part is learning about the semi-popular ex Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi’s grandfather was once ties to a crime group and had tattoos, yet he was the Minister of General Affairs and known as “the tattooed minister.” (The Daily Beast – Yakuza Politicians)
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Maya Soetoro-Ng talks about her brother, The President in this short video. [youtube]bYv_9_Em9Gw[/youtube] (youtube link)
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Mary J Blige! Congresswomen Debbie Wasserman Schultz
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California Rep Mike Honda says Barack Obama is the first Asian American President. Mike Honda explains that growing up in Hawaii, “There is no way you can leave without picking up something from the community.” (USnews – Honda)
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