Giant Robot Store and GR2 News

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Game Night 15 Featuring our friends: The Behemoth July 13 7-10pm GR2 – 2062 Sawtelle Blvd LA, CA 90025 310 445 9276 We’ll be a featuring a few games by The Behemoth at Giant Robot 2. We’ll have The Behemoth merch for sale and a special event: BattleBlock Theater tournament. The winning pair get a big prize basket of Behemoth merch! All of the stations will be open to the public so you can play Alien Hominid, Castle Crashers and BattleBlock Theater on their Xbox systems. Here’s a rundown on the games: Alien Hominid is best described as an homage to the old side scrolling shoot ‘em up games we grew up to love and hate always bringing us back for more. Castle Crashers-  is a side-scrolling beat-em-up that incorporates a small number of role-playing video game elements. BattleBlock Theater- players control a prisoner as they are forced to play through games devised by Hatty Hattington. Controls are simple, with the game largely consisting of running, jumping and punching. Levels are made up of various types of blocks, such as collapsing blocks, sticky walls, bouncy volcanic rocks and deadly spikes, and also feature hazards such as water and deadly creatures. For any information: Eric Nakamura Giant Robot Owner/Publisher (310) 445-9276  
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