Giant Robot Store and GR2 News
After the missile failure, why not take the easy route and blow something up underground? Dirt is being excavated to make space for a test that’ll not only pollute their land and what resources they don’t have, but shows their “power”. (Foxnews – North Korea)
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The Reuters story brings up some questions. As Japan leaves nuclear power, yes today there is supposedly only 2 of the 54 reactors are still in operation in all of Japan. Here’s the bigger problem, where does the power come from? Fossil fuel imports are now at a high in Japan… and what does that lead to, at least in the US? Invasions and war? Kan became a supporter of finding alternate energy sources in exchange for safety which is great, but then where will it come from? Solar seems like it won’t be enough…
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Why? To prove that the water is ok to drink. The irony is that the water was never intended for human consumption and it was gathered from pools inside the Fukushima Plant. It’s a publicity stunt to help the public insure that the water is clean and safe, but would a politician do this to “save face”? In Japan, yes. (Telegraph UK – Yasuhiro Sonoda)
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