Giant Robot Store and GR2 News

  One thing at Comic Con GR at SDCC – 1729 REMIX PROJECT UGLYDOLL x HORVATH customizing uglydoll and horvath vinyls Curated by Giant Robot x Luke Chueh Luke Chueh, J*Ryu, Angry Woebots, David Horvath, Yukinori Dehara Spanky Stokes, 64 Colors, Miso, A Little Stranger, Mari Inukai, Dril One, Leecifer, Kano, Scott Tolleson, Julie West
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OFF!'s free midnight show at the Echoplex

As it was for a lot of you out there, this wasn’t the easiest year for me and my family. Following Giant Robot’s print magazine going on hiatus at the tail end of 2010, I was unemployed with no job leads or responses to my queries for the first six months. Then, after I got an awesome job out of nowhere, the company my wife worked for was purchased by a competitor and shut down. Fortunately, we’ve managed to get by through frugal habits, a rock-solid support system of family and friends, and the PMA. And yes, there have been highlights. Here are ten of them–some of which has been written about in the blog, others merely alluded to, and a couple of odds and ends–in no particular order.

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