Giant Robot Store and GR2 News
China’s Nong Youhui has blue eyes and can allegedly see in the dark. He won’t bump into furniture in the middle of the night when he needs to pee. He can catch crickets in the dark without a flashlight. In the daytime, he’ll squint from the sun’s rays. His eyes allegedly flashed a color when a light is shines in them. He’s passed tests of seeing in the dark, but what he can really do with it, remains to be seen. Nong will win prettiest eyes competitions everywhere no doubt. [youtube]Xfs0R-7cS_s[/youtube]
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Vivian Girls – Sixteen Ways from Gerry Maravilla on Vimeo. Gerry Maravilla, An American filmmaker currently based in El Salvador, recently directed an produced an unofficial music video for the Vivian Girls featuring their song, “Sixteen Ways.” Some of his previous projects include Donna and Vision. Watch the video(s) and tell us what you think.
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