Giant Robot Store and GR2 News

[youtube]pwq-TrtoKG4[/youtube]   “Robin Lim, a woman who has helped poor Indonesian women have a healthy pregnancy and birth, is 2011 CNN Hero of the Year.” The awards show itself is interesting since on the one hand it gives more eyes to great causes, but it’s also just another awards show probably filled with Hollywood-ish drama and politics.  
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7 brothers all in World War II, and they fought against each other! In World War II Japanese Americans were often sent home, and some were sent home before war broke out just so they could grow up Japanese. In a large family, this happened. In the case of the Oka family, the kids joined the armed forces. Some of the US and some for the Japan Imperialist Army. Here’s their story. (CNN – Oka)    
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My friend/Seoul-based CNN reporter Kyung Lah reported this piece on the popularity of cosmetic surgery in Asia to make Asians look more Caucasian. She asked me to provide critical comments because she couldn’t find any locals that would do it! So I went to the CNN building in Hollywood back in February and answered some questions. The clip is finally airing on cable today, but you can also watch it via the news network’s blog site as well. I look kind of sleepy and probably could have used some eye-opening ssangapul surgery myself, but maybe it’s because this is the third time I’ve provided thoughts on the subject for television. I’d previously done so on Tyra and Dr. Phil (and had makeup and stylists attend to me in those cases). I never aspired to be the go-to guy on Asian eye jobs–each of the programs contacted me–but I think Kyung’s clip is the most comprehensive and investigative and is worthy of a watch. Maybe even a “share”…
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