Giant Robot Store and GR2 News

ESPN writes “Chink in the Armor” in reference to Jeremy Lin and the recent Knicks loss and the writer gets fired. It was up 35 minutes. We know what year it is, what time it is, and ESPN is huge. People are watching that site every second in their newsroom. 35 minutes, and how many writers are sitting around reading it? They fire one single person over this and in the end, ESPN will soon be forgiven. How stupid can they be? NBA and ESPN are associated, why isn’t the NBA stepping up with any kind of remark or sanction? AND you know… if it were a person of another color… they would. It’s still an uphill battle.  
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If you’re going to go racist, don’t do it in writing. This Papa John’s employee wasn’t so lucky and got terminated when the head office caught wind of the “Lady Chinky Eyes” description on the pizza order. Thanks to the social networks it went viral and lo and behold, a great start to 2012 for Asian America. Soon after the “Ching Chong” at Chick Fil-A on the receipt of an Irvine, CA customer caught a lot of air time, this one adds more excitement. Again, don’t do it in writing. Word to the Racists or just plain stupid: Say It, Don’t Spray It.  
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Yes, blackface. Yes, Oriental dragon lady. They’re costumes and it’s Halloween. Are these images ok? It’s what we see, it’s what we want to be for a few hours. If it’s not ok, then what is? Does it need to be dictated by Hollywood? Is an Avatar alien ok but a Memoirs of a Geisha actress isn’t? Is dressing up like Dr Dre from NWA alright? What about Flavor Flav or even Precious? Is it alright to be Haing Ngor from The Killing Fields? Or Edward James Olmos from Stand and Deliver? There’s a line of some sort and it’s not defined by laws.

This reminds me of an incident while in high school. Our school was open for anyone to walk in at any hour. There are no security cameras of gates locking people out. Every year, someone put a white power type of pamphlet into every locker. It would happen at the dead of night and when opening up the locker, we’d all have a white power solicitation. Everyone wondered the typical, whodunit? Whenever it happened, it was on people’s minds and it happened annually.

Halloween 1986. I got to school early and walking in the hallway were two white robed executioners. They were Klansmen, the exact folks you’d think are the ones responsible for the pamphlets. Yes, it was obvious that dressed as part of the Halloween festivities that day. One of the two carried a spiked metal ball at the end of a broomstick. Their hoods covered their faces and their robes covered their street clothes.


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Graf-prankster, Bansky. He kickstarted the Flux Capacitor, jumped in the Delorean with Marty and Doc and went back to the Pasadena, March 1945. He then busted out the stencils and paint and made a political statement that’s racist but thought provoking. Poor folks, they didn’t keep the piece, which is now worth multi millions of dollars. The Paulings family were residents in Altadena, CA and merely hired a recently released Japanese American internee (concentration camp), to be a gardener. They were against Executive Order 9066, which basically put JA’s behind barbed wire and were outspoken about it. They made efforts to bring the graffiti perpetrators to justice but had no such support from the police or FBI. Their gardener, George H. Minaki was thought to have gone to war as part of the 442 Battalion, but no one is sure. It is said that the graffiti artists were involved in a high speed chase fleeing the scene, but got away in their silver sedan when lightning struck the local clock tower at precisely 10:04pm. (Patch - Paulings)  
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