Giant Robot Store and GR2 News

This is the reason why the world seems to be overfished. Why do anything put try and catch a giant bluefin tuna? The sale took place at Tsukiji fish market on January 5th. Obviously it was some type of publicity stunt that worked. “Tiny sushi slices of the prized fish can sell for up to $24, according to the Associated Press. Japanese consume up to 80% of the world’s declining tuna stock.” (Time – Bluefin)
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and no… this isn’t a photo of the actual tuna, but we’ll guarantee it looks just like this but bigger.   Odd story and a tremendous waste. Imagine, a sushi chain (which means cheaper sushi) buys a tuna for 730k but then carves it up into 10,000 pieces of sushi worth $1.50-$5 a piece meaning some mangled math telling us that they lose about 600k. The reason? It’s patriotic? Showing how dumb economics majors can be? It’s about ego, breaking records, and being dumb with money and we do hope the sushi at least tasted great. It’s written that to break even each piece needed to be something like $50+ each. (Bloomberg – 730k tuna)
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Knife references appear everywhere. It’s used for threats and murder in film. Often the size of the blade is is what determines the level of threat. Below is the five foot blade. All together with the handle, it’s over six feet. This is used by modern samurai who work in the Tsukiji. The knives are usually shorter, but for that gigantic tuna, some go big. What’s Tsukiji? It’s the fish market. When a giant bluefin tuna is caught, this blade makes a single perfect slice length wise. A few cuts, and the fish is taken care of in the cleanest manner. The question? How much is one of these knives? In the end, we don’t find out. Thanks Fox… (Fox – Knife)
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