Giant Robot Store and GR2 News

Thanksgiving. I have no idea who reads this, but I told myself, before I jumped into Thanksgiving family bliss, I'd blog about the day, and maybe talk about what it means to me. It's less about pilgrims, indians, or stealing a country - as in, thanks for giving us America. For me, I hope I can enjoy the day, my family, and think about my friends who are with their families or friends. I'm thankful...
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Night before Thanksgiving. Sculpy time. First dinner at Fatties. I had the vegan version of the Sloppy Joe. No I was too hungry to shoot it, but it’s a good dish. I hear it keeps changing a bit. Ms Saelee Oh is listening for her our waitress to come.That sweater is inside out, but you can’t tell. Saelee ended up eating an 8″ pizza that didn’t have dairy, but it had carrot on the dough that was sort of like tomato sauce, a lot of veggies that were mixed and chopped fine, but the kicker, brussel sprouts sliced thin. Flowers. Holding flowers make people trip out. Standing in front of the Trader Joe’s in Eagle Rock, people would smile, wave, and would even act like I was giving them to them. Flower do weird things to people. For relaxing times, make it Sculpy Time… sculpy kids till 5am.
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Night before Thanksgiving. Sculpy time. First dinner at Fatties. I had the vegan version of the Sloppy Joe. No I was too hungry to shoot it, but it's a good dish. I hear it keeps changing a bit.

Ms Saelee Oh is listening for her our waitress to come.
That sweater is inside out, but you can't tell. Saelee ended up eating an 8" pizza that didn't have dairy, but it had carrot on the dough that was...
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My good deed. Driving down the road, I saw a man waving his arms. I thought what the fuck does this freak want? Then right as I was passing by along with other cars, I saw a jumper cable. You’d think who cares about this? It’s actually nothing, but why did all of the other cars not stop? We weren’t in a terribly busy area, it was still light outside and the dude was asking for help. Maybe it’s because he had a van? Silence of the Lambs? Imagine Tom Petty singing, “An American Girl…” I thought the dude was an immigrant, but he ended up having a nerdy voice and was a nice guy. Happy Thanksgiving bro, from one van driver to another.
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My good deed. Driving down the road, I saw a man waving his arms. I thought what the fuck does this freak want? Then right as I was passing by along with other cars, I saw a jumper cable. You'd think who cares about this? It's actually nothing, but why did all of the other cars not stop? We weren't in a terribly busy area, it was still light outside and the dude was asking for help. Maybe it's...
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