Giant Robot Store and GR2 News
Video by Wilbur Ventura/Carlos Lopez - Angrybananas
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David Choe made another triumphant return to Giant Robot to sign his new book, Snowman Monkey BBQ. From when I met him in the 90s, it was an easy bet that he'd be successful. It was just a matter of time....
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Missed the signing? If you visit us at Giant Robot 2, we have copies of signed Snowman Monkey BBQ in stock. We will post photos from last night's book signing quite soon. We hope to see you here.
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This is David Choe's epic new book, Snowman Monkey BBQ. I enjoy the fact that the shape of the book is super tall, and the pages are filled with energy from his multi-faceted lifestyle-paintings, watercolors, and nudes. When GR2 opened in...
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Giant Robot Presents: Tues Oct 28th 7pm - David Choe Signing Snowman Monkey BBQ Location: GR2 2062 Sawtelle Blvd LA, CA 90025. We will be selling Snowman Monkey BBQ at $60. We will not service these books online and...
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