Giant Robot Store and GR2 News

  Jon Moritsugu’s latest happenings. It’s a film contest. While the world cleans up and makes sharp videos. Jon won’t hesitate to go dirty. Click a “like” if you like it. It’s 45 seconds and it’s about a film production nightmare. If you don’t know him, Jon Moritsugu is the underground film king. He makes films to his own liking, literally, and he’s one of the best in his genre. I’ve known Jon for ages, and he’s almost always left out of any Asian American cinema conversation.  
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An amazing photo. The background of the guys on the roof says a lot. Here’s a thoughful essay by Elaine Woo about her own article two decades ago. If you lived in LA, you can sympathize and understand. “Other non-Korean Asian Americans I spoke to back then felt the same confusion. Solidarity? Not when people who looked like us were getting shot or doing the shooting, we thought, with more than a little shame. “Asian American — who generated this term?” a Japanese American friend mused the other day. “We have nothing in common but appearance.”” (LA Times – Elaine Woo)
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Yes, Yul Kwon is back. We received an email from him directly about this all and yes, he’s a cool guy. Kwon won Survivor by taking his shirt off and showing a side of Asian American males that are seldom seen. Yes, we can be dudes too – and no it’s not because of his shirt being off, but that did resonate everywhere. He did win a million dollars. He’s on a new show called America Revealed on PBS. There is an interview with him in the OC Register. (OCRegister – Yul Kwon)
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