Giant Robot Store and GR2 News
Koji Sakai, Clement Hanami, Greg Kimura, myself.
Money Mark and Clement Hanami
David Choe and Money Mark
Deth P Sun art.
Here’s photo set 1. I’ll get to writing later on. This set is by Dean Gojobori who helped throughout the exhibition. People enter Albert Reyes “maze” downstairs.
That’s my introducing Rob Sato and Ako Castuera.
I’ve seen better days, but this isn’t not about me. This is about Giant Robot Biennale 3 which is coming up in under two weeks. Long time GR friend Darryl Mori sent me some difficult questions and here’s the article about the event. (Discover Nikkei – GRB3)
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A blog post by what seems like a JANM employee or staffer about George Takei, Sulu and JANM. (Ultimate History Project - Sulu)
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George Takei is on CNN Blogs. While we enjoy is “rebirth” that he attributes to being on the Howard Stern show, and he’s now going to be on Celebrity Apprentice playing for Japanese American National Museum. This little article talks about what drives him. (CNN Blogs – George Takei)
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