Giant Robot Store and GR2 News

The Final phase of our plan has begun; Release the Laser-Shark-Bees! (By Robert Bruce) The first thoughts I had after roaming the floors of E3, were toward the bafflingly huge booths dedicated to social gaming and mobile gaming companies. These companies must be making a fairly sizable profit to be able to afford the large swathe of floor space on the E3 floor. The other thing I noticed was how small the big game prod companies booths were in comparison to years before.   Who dis!? EA’s booth was the most anemic, and their primary game push was Madden; along with some other EA sports titles. Other than a DOTA-esque Lord of the Rings game, that was it, really for EA. (Edit; thanks to Chris for pointing out the inaccuracy) They were also showcasing Dead Space 3, but unfortunately I didn’t get a chance to check it out; the line was intense for this one, however my point stands that in years past there was a larger section for EA, with more unique titles. Activision was focusing on Skylanders, which is smart cause that’s a cash cow that keeps on giving. Also, obviously they were focusing on Black Ops 2, because that is the game people seem to buy in their sleep. Spiderman 15: the reckoning 2 (not sure of the current title) was somewhere in there as well, but I wasn’t interested. Nintendo and Sony’s booths were about as large as ever, with a plethora of play-ables. I had the most fun in these sections.   I got a feel for the possible promise of a Vita system, but after the glow of the show wore off, my cynicism returned. I gotta’ say the two coolest things I saw at the Sony area were 3rd party, small time developments –or semi-small time in the case of the Portal Expansion. Retro City Rampage, one of the two, has that poise to blast off in a big way. The polish and detail on that game was so intense, and the people I talked to about the game seemed like some of the most sincere guys; which if you don’t know is a sentiment that’s slowly disappearing at E3. You can switch the view mode to CGA guis!- also a game boy view mode, replete with the vomit grey and green that was so signature of that system. That is dedication to old-school-ness that really should be a legend in the making. The game -unlike many lip-service old school motif games- really tries to capture the feel of a game from that era, with a little bit of the sensibility of this era. Pure fun, that’s all I gotta’ say. If you want to see more about this game, check it out here.   How many Kart Racer ripoffs this year? …at least 3 I also got to check out the new Portal Move based expansion “Portal 2 In Motion”, and I got the same feeling from the guy I talked to as I...
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    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Game Night 10 at Giant Robot 2 Game Night 10 – Glorkbot’s Mini-Adventure, Tri-Tri-Triobelisk, Samurai Gunn Saturday, June 16 2012, 6:30 – 10:00 p.m. Giant Robot 2 2062 Sawtelle Blvd.Los Angeles, CA 90025 (310) 445-9276 In conjunction with the Attract Mode, Meat Bun Apparel and Angry Bananas, Giant Robot is proud to host Game Night 10, an event that takes place at GR2 about every two months. For this tenth installment, we are teaming up with James Kochalka and Pixel Jam’s long awaited title, alongside Shelby Cinca and Erik Svedäng’s iPad game, Tri-Tri-Triobelisk, and Beau Blyth’s Samurai Gunn. We will set up game stations both indoors and outdoors and in person will be Shelby Cinca and Beau Blyth. Also playable with be Cinca and Sean Chao’s Yeren board game and Beau Blyth and Jeni Yang’s Catburger. Game Night 10 is taking place during the Game Over Exhibition, so it’s a great chance to see video game inspired art alongside playable games. Giant Robot was born as a Los Angeles-based publication about Asian, Asian-American, and new hybrid culture in 1994, but has evolved into a full-service pop culture provider with shops and galleries in Los Angeles. Game Night 10 will take place on Saturday, June 16th 2012, 6:30 – 10:00 p.m. For more information about Game Night, GR2, or Giant Robot magazine, please contact: Eric Nakamura Giant Robot Owner/Publisher (310) 479-7311
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The E3 event in LA arrives again, and although there’s no giant announcement that seemed to move a mountain of any sort, it’s still a happening that matters. We do all play games of some sort, right? If not, we’re aware of them and they shape a tiny portion of our lives. After a tiny worry about getting in, we made it through. 4 deep to see the latest games. We did get to see Black Ops 2 in a private room and the new mode where you get to control more of the game. It’s as if you’re playing with a clan but you’re actually by yourself. The game takes place in LA as far as the campaign goes and it’s 2025 and you’re protecting the President. This means it’s chaos and near apocalyptic. Life is nuts and this game will add to it. It’s going to be a big deal. Of course, I’m most interested in the multiplayer mode which I didn’t get to see, but if it’s anything like the 10 minutes of preview that a fella from perhaps Treyarch demonstrated, it’s going to be fun. Of course, no photos allowed!

Below is Joust, an indie game that took place in the Indiecade area.


Carlos Angrybananas Lopez playing the Edmund McMillen Game. From Super Meat Boy to something new. Is this Binding of Isaac? Edmund is making it.


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